“Social Studies of Finance: Present and Future”
Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, Sociology, UC San Diego
Simone Polillo, Sociology, University of Virginia
Erin Lockwood, Political Science, UC Irvine
Taylor C. Nelms, Anthropology, UC Irvine
Discussant: Hannah Appel, Anthropology, UCLA
Conveners: Nina Bandelj, Sociology, UC Irvine & Bill Maurer, Anthropology, UC Irvine
Friday, March 23, 2018
2-4pm panel
4pm reception
SBSG 1321
You are invited to a thought-provoking discussion on sociological, anthropological, and political science perspectives on finance and the
future of the social studies of finance.
_Co-sponsored by the Center for Organizational Research and the Journal of Cultural Economy_