The Center for Organizational Research (COR) is pleased to offer small grants (up to $1,000) to facilitate research on organizations. COR supports a broad definition of research on organizations and welcomes proposals from members of any department or school. Funds can be used for any expenses related to the research process.
Eligibility: Graduate students who are conducting research related to organizations.
Deadline: May 22, 2023 @ 5:00pm
Application Packets: Proposals should include the following:
- Completed cover sheet [download]
- Proposal Narrative (1-page maximum, answering the following questions in 12-point font, with 1 inch margins), including:
a. What is your research question or hypothesis?
b. What are you doing this summer to answer your research question or test your hypothesis?
c. What is organizational about your research?
d. Budget and brief justification
- Applicants who have previously received COR funding should include at the end of their proposal (this may be included on a 2nd page) a description of how that money was used, resulting publications/presentations, and any outside funding they have applied for and/or received to support that research.
- A 1-page maximum letter of support from faculty advisor emailed directly to (subject line: COR grant – recommendation for [name of student applicant]) addressing question 2b above.
Submission Procedure: Proposals should be submitted electronically (as a single document titled LastName-FirstName-COR-appli
Recipients of COR grants have the following responsibilities to COR:
- Thank COR for support in any written work that develops out of the research supported by the COR grant.
- Provide COR with a 1-2 page research report within 60 days of the end of the funding period. The report should include how the funding was used and what grant proposals have been written to extend this research.
- Provide COR with an electronic copy of written work that develops out of the research supported by the COR grant for posting on the COR website;
- Present research at a COR event.
- Attend at least two COR events per year.
For additional information, contact COR at