Miriam Bender (Program in Nursing Science)
“Validating a theoretical model linking Clinical Nurse Leader practice to improved care quality and safety”
Santina L. Contreras (Social Ecology)
“Organizations and Participatory Development in Post-disaster Haiti”
Paula Hao (Merage School of Business)
“Subjectivity in Employee Performance Rating and Promotion Decisions: The Analysis of Job Levels”
Gregory Kohler (Social Sciences)
“Governance as Social Practice: Power and Conflict in a Sardinian Dairy Cooperative”
Harsh Jha (Merage School of Business)
“Organizational Attention to Field Changing Events: An Analysis of Legal Services Reforms in England”
Joseph King (Social Sciences)
“Market Transformation and the Opportunity Structure for Gender Inequality: A Cohort Analysis using Linked Employer-Employee Data from Slovenia”
Victoria Lowerson Bredow (Social Ecology)
“Building Healthy Communities through Community Engagement: Inclusion, Exclusion and Logic of Practice”
Scott Mitchell (Merage School of Business)
“The Price is Right: Cognitive and Organizational Influences on Strategic Pricing Decisions”
Francesca Polletta and Katt Hoban (Social Sciences)
“Why Consensus?”
Evan Schofer (Social Sciences)
“The Growth of Pro-Environmental Organizations in Comparative Perspective: Understanding Global Links and Mechanisms”
Christoffer Zoeller (Social Sciences)
“Organizing Policy Change: Paradigm Shift in the End of Bretton Woods”
Dakuo Wang (Bren School of Information and Computer Science)
“Building Information Visualization Systems To Help With Collaborative Writing”